A "simple" Snake, done as my final JS class project back in DUT https://snek.s.codinget.me
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
720 B

# Snek
![Snek icon, Miia from Mon Musu](assets/icon.jpg)
A "simple" Snake, done as my final JS class project
[Original subject](https://perso.liris.cnrs.fr/pierre-antoine.champin/enseignement/intro-js/s6.html)
## Dependencies
- All the POSIX tools, most importantly a POSIX-compliant shell, `echo`, `rm`, `seq` and `sed`
- Busybox is known to work
- GNU Coreutils are known to work
- On Windows, WSL is known to work
- Imagemagick, with the `convert` tool in the PATH
- Make
- Node.js and npm, both in the PATH
- Node.js 10 and 12 are known to work
## Running the game
- Get the Dockerfile
- `docker build` it
- `docker run -p80:3000 <whatever you called the container>`
- ideally, put it behind a reverse proxy