A compromise between the speed of make and the ease of use of a build script
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
4.7 KiB

import remove, concat from table
import gmatch, match, gsub, sub from string
-- load backend
ok, fs, backend = false, nil, nil
unless ok
ok, fs = pcall -> require 'moonbuild._fs.posix'
backend = 'posix'
unless ok
ok, fs = pcall -> require 'moonbuild._fs.lfs'
backend = 'lfs'
unless ok
ok, fs = pcall -> require 'moonbuild._fs.cmd'
backend = 'cmd'
error "unable to load any fs library, tried luaposix, luafilesystem and posix commands" unless ok
-- caching mechanism
NIL = ( -> NIL )
cacheenabled = true
caches = {}
clearcache = ->
v.clearcache! for k, v in pairs caches
clearentry = (entry) ->
v.clearentry entry for k, v in pairs caches
disableentry = (entry) ->
v.disableentry entry for k, v in pairs caches
disablecache = ->
cacheenabled = false
enablecache = ->
cacheenabled = true
withcache = (fn) ->
opts = {}
opts.cache = {}
opts.clearcache = ->
opts.cache = {}
opts.clearentry = (entry) ->
opts.cache[entry] = nil
opts.disableentry = (entry) ->
opts.cache[entry] = DISABLED
caches[fn] = opts
setmetatable opts,
__call: (arg) =>
return fn arg unless cacheenabled
cached = opts.cache[arg]
return fn arg if cached == DISABLED
return nil if cached == NIL
return cached if cached != nil
cached = fn arg
opts.cache[arg] = cached
opts.cache[arg] = NIL if cached == nil
return cached
fs = {
dir: withcache fs.dir
attributes: withcache fs.attributes
mkdir: fs.mkdir
import attributes, dir, mkdir from fs
-- actual functions
normalizepath = (file) ->
parts = [part for part in gmatch file, '[^/]+']
absolute = (sub file, 1, 1)=='/'
i = 1
while i<=#parts
if parts[i]=='.'
remove parts, i
if parts[i]=='..' and i!=1 and parts[i-1]!='..'
remove parts, i
remove parts, i-1
i -= 1
i += 1
if #parts==0
absolute and '/' or '.'
(absolute and '/' or '') .. concat parts, '/'
ls = (d) ->
[f for f in *dir normalizepath d when f!='.' and f!='..']
lswithpath = (d) ->
return ls '.' if d==''
[d..'/'..f for f in *dir normalizepath d when f!='.' and f!='..']
matchglob = (str, glob) ->
glob = gsub glob, '[%[%]%%+.?-]', => '%'..@
patt = '^'..(gsub glob, '%*%*?', => @=='**' and '.*' or '[^/]*')..'$'
rst = if (type str)=='table'
results, i = {}, 1
for s in *str
rst = (match s, patt) and s
results[i], i = rst, i+1 if rst
(match str, patt) and str
exists = (f) ->
(attributes normalizepath f) != nil
isdir = (f) ->
((attributes normalizepath f) or {}).mode == 'directory'
wildcard = (glob) ->
parts = [part for part in gmatch glob, '[^/]+']
absolute = (sub glob, 1, 1)=='/'
for i, part in ipairs parts
prevpath = (absolute and '/' or '') .. concat parts, '/', 1, i-1
currpath = (i==1 and '' or (prevpath .. '/')) .. part
if match part, '%*%*.*%*%*'
error "Two '**' in the same path component in a wildcard"
if match part, '%*%*'
prefix = match currpath, '^(.*)%*%*'
suffix = (match part, '%*%*(.*)$') .. (i==#parts and '' or ('/'..concat parts, '/', i+1, #parts))
return {} unless exists prevpath
files = lswithpath prevpath
results, ri = {}, 1
for file in *files
if matchglob file, currpath
if i==#parts
results[ri], ri = file, ri+1
elseif isdir file
for result in *wildcard file .. '/' .. concat parts, '/', i+1, #parts
results[ri], ri = result, ri+1
if (matchglob file, prefix..'**') and isdir file
for result in *wildcard file .. '/**' .. suffix
results[ri], ri = result, ri+1
return results
if match part, '%*'
return {} unless exists prevpath
files = lswithpath prevpath
if i==#parts
return matchglob files, glob
results, ri = {}, 1
for file in *files
if (matchglob file, currpath) and isdir file
for result in *wildcard file .. '/' .. concat parts, '/', i+1, #parts
results[ri], ri = result, ri+1
return results
if exists glob
return {glob}
return {}
parent = (file) ->
normalizepath file..'/..'
actualmkdir = mkdir
mkdir = (dir) ->
actualmkdir dir
clearentry parent dir
mkdirs = (dir) ->
return if isdir dir
error "Can't mkdirs #{dir}: file exists" if exists dir
mkdirs parent dir
mkdir dir
-- from the backend
fs = {k, withcache fn for k, fn in pairs fs}
-- own functions
fs.normalizepath = normalizepath
fs.ls = ls
fs.lswithpath = lswithpath
fs.matchglob = matchglob
fs.exists = exists
fs.isdir = isdir
fs.wildcard = wildcard
fs.parent = parent
fs.mkdir = mkdir
fs.mkdirs = mkdirs
-- cache and backend
fs.clearcache = clearcache
fs.clearentry = clearentry
fs.disableentry = disableentry
fs.disablecache = disablecache
fs.enablecache = enablecache
fs.backend = backend
-- the library itself
setmetatable fs, __call: => {'dir', 'ls', 'normalizepath', 'exists', 'isdir', 'wildcard', 'mkdir', 'mkdirs'}