A compromise between the speed of make and the ease of use of a build script
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
2.0 KiB

import dir, attributes from require 'lfs'
import gmatch, match, gsub, sub from string
import insert, concat from table
ls = (d) ->
[f for f in dir d when f!='.' and f!='..']
lswithpath = (d) ->
if d==''
return ls '.'
[d..'/'..f for f in dir d when f!='.' and f!='..']
exists = (f) ->
(attributes f) != nil
isdir = (f) ->
a = attributes f
a and a.mode == 'directory' or false
mtime = (f) ->
a = attributes f
a and a.modification
matchglob = (str, glob) ->
patt = '^'..(gsub (gsub glob, '%*%*', '.*'), '%*', '[^/]*')..'$'
rst = if (type str)=='table'
results, i = {}, 1
for s in *str
rst = (match s, patt) and s
results[i], i = rst, i+1 if rst
(match str, patt) and str
wildcard = (glob) ->
parts = [part for part in gmatch glob, '[^/]+']
absolute = (sub glob, 1, 1)=='/'
for i, part in ipairs parts
prevpath = (absolute and '/' or '') .. concat parts, '/', 1, i-1
currpath = prevpath .. '/' .. part
if match part, '%*%*.*%*%*'
error "Two '**' in the same path component in a wildcard"
if match part, '%*%*'
prefix = match currpath, '^(.*)%*%*'
suffix = (match part, '%*%*(.*)$') .. (i==#parts and '' or ('/'..concat parts, '/', i+1, #parts))
files = lswithpath prevpath
results = {}
for file in *files
if matchglob file, currpath
if i==#parts
insert results, file
elseif isdir file
for result in *wildcard file .. '/' .. concat parts, '/', i+1, #parts
insert results, result
if (matchglob file, prefix..'**') and isdir file
for result in *wildcard file .. '/**' .. suffix
insert results, result
return results
if match part, '%*'
files = lswithpath prevpath
if i==#parts
return matchglob files, glob
results = {}
for file in *files
if (matchglob file, currpath) and isdir file
for result in *wildcard file .. '/' .. concat parts, '/', i+1, #parts
insert results, result
return results
if exists glob
return {glob}
return {}
:exists, :isdir