A compromise between the speed of make and the ease of use of a build script
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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describe 'fsutil', ->
describe 'normalizepath', ->
import normalizepath from require 'moonbuild.fsutil'
test = (expected, source) ->
it "normalizes #{source} correctly", ->
assert.equal expected, normalizepath source
testall = (tab) ->
for a, b in pairs tab
test b, a
describe 'handles already normalized paths', ->
testall {
'.': '.'
'..': '..'
'../..': '../..'
'/': '/'
'/a': '/a'
'/a/b': '/a/b'
'a': 'a'
'a/b': 'a/b'
describe 'trims leading slashes', ->
testall {
'a/': 'a'
'a/b/': 'a/b'
'/a/': '/a'
'/a/b/': '/a/b'
describe 'normalizes absolute paths', ->
testall {
'/a/a/../b': '/a/b'
'/a/./b': '/a/b'
'/a/b/c/..': '/a/b'
'/./a/./b/././.': '/a/b'
describe 'normalizes relative paths', ->
testall {
'../x/../../a': '../../a'
'../x/../a': '../a'
'x/..': '.'
'../.': '..'
'./a': 'a'
describe 'matchglob', ->
import matchglob from require 'moonbuild.fsutil'
test = (expected, source, glob) ->
if expected
it "matches #{glob} on #{source}", ->
assert.equal source, matchglob source, glob
it "doesn't match #{glob} on #{source}", ->
assert.equal nil, matchglob source, glob
testall = (tab) ->
for a, b in pairs tab
test b, a[1], a[2]
describe 'handles literal names', ->
testall {
[{'a', 'a'}]: true
[{'a.b', 'a.b'}]: true
[{'a/b', 'a/b'}]: true
[{'..', '..'}]: true
describe 'doesn\'t treat things as special chars', ->
testall {
[{'a', '.'}]: false
[{'a.b.c', '%S+'}]: false
[{'%S+', '%S+'}]: true
[{'%d', '%d'}]: true
[{'a', '%S'}]: false
[{'aaa', 'a+'}]: false
describe 'only matches fully', ->
testall {
[{'abcdef', 'bcde'}]: false
[{'a/b/c', 'b/c'}]: false
[{'a/b/c', 'a/b'}]: false
describe 'handles *', ->
testall {
[{'abcde', '*'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d', 'a/*/c/d'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d', 'a/*/d'}]: false
[{'abcde', 'a*e'}]: true
[{'abcde', 'a*f'}]: false
[{'a/b/c/d/e', 'a/*/*/*/e'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d/e', 'a*/*/*e'}]: false
describe 'handles **', ->
testall {
[{'abcde', '**'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d', 'a/**/c/d'}]: true
[{'abcde', 'a**e'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d/e', 'a/**/**/**/e'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d/e', 'a**e'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d/e', 'a/**/e'}]: true
[{'a/b/c/d/e', 'a**f'}]: false
[{'abcde', 'a**f'}]: false