A compromise between the speed of make and the ease of use of a build script
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
3.0 KiB

import sort, concat from table
import huge from math
import match, sub from string
common = {}
flatten = (list, ...) ->
return flatten {list, ...} if (select '#', ...)!=0
t = type list
switch t
when 'nil'
when 'string'
when 'number'
{tostring list}
when 'boolean'
when 'table'
keys = [k for k in pairs list]
sort keys
elements, i = {}, 1
for k in *keys
if (type k)=='number'
for e in *(flatten list[k])
elements[i], i = e, i+1
return {list}
setmetatable elements, __tostring: => concat @, ' '
error "can't flatten elements of type #{t}"
first = (list, ...) ->
t = type list
switch t
when 'nil'
if (select '#', ...)==0
first ...
when 'string'
when 'number'
tostring list
when 'boolean'
when 'table'
min = huge
for k in pairs list
if (type k) == 'number'
min = k if k < min
return list
first list[min]
error "can't find first of type #{t}"
foreach = (list, fn) ->
[fn v for v in *flatten list]
filter = (list, fn) ->
[v for v in *flatten list when fn v]
includes = (list, v) ->
return true if list==v
if (type list) == 'table'
for k, e in pairs list
if (type k) == 'number'
return true if includes e, v
if (type list) == 'number'
return (tostring list) == (tostring v)
patget = (s, pat) ->
prefix, suffix = match pat, '^(.*)%%(.*)$'
return s==pat and s or nil unless prefix
if (sub s, 1, #prefix)==prefix and (suffix == '' or (sub s, -#suffix)==suffix)
sub s, #prefix+1, -#suffix-1
patset = (s, rep) ->
prefix, suffix = match rep, '^(.*)%%(.*)$'
if prefix
patsubst = (s, pat, rep) ->
prefix, suffix = match pat, '^(.*)%%(.*)$'
rprefix, rsuffix = match rep, '^(.*)%%(.*)$'
t = type s
f = false
if t=='nil'
return nil
if t=='number'
t = 'string'
s = tostring s
if t=='string'
t = 'table'
s = {s}
f = true
if t!='table'
error "can't substitute patterns on type #{t}"
r, i = {}, 1
for s in *flatten s
if not prefix
if s==pat
if rprefix
r[i], i = rprefix..s..rsuffix, i+1
r[i], i = rep, i+1
elseif (sub s, 1, #prefix)==prefix and (suffix == '' or (sub s, -#suffix)==suffix)
if rprefix
r[i], i = rprefix..(sub s, #prefix+1, -#suffix-1)..rsuffix, i+1
r[i], i = rep, i+1
f and r[1] or r
exclude = (list, ...) ->
exclusions = flatten ...
[v for v in *flatten list when not includes exclusions, v]
min = (list) ->
m = list[1]
for i=2, #list
e = list[i]
m = e if e<m
max = (list) ->
m = list[1]
for i=2, #list
e = list[i]
m = e if e>m
minmax = (list) ->
m = list[1]
M = list[1]
for i=2, #list
e = list[i]
m = e if e<m
M = e if e>M
m, M
common.flatten = flatten
common.first = first
common.foreach = foreach
common.filter = filter
common.includes = includes
common.patget = patget
common.patset = patset
common.patsubst = patsubst
common.min = min
common.max = max
common.minmax = minmax
setmetatable common, __call: => [k for k in pairs common]