A compromise between the speed of make and the ease of use of a build script
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.6 KiB

-- load everything we need
import loadfile from require 'moonscript.base'
import Context, DepGraph, Executor from require 'moonbuild'
Variable = require 'moonbuild.core.Variable'
import verbose from require 'moonbuild._common'
import parseargs from require 'moonbuild._cmd.common'
argparse = require 'argparse'
import sort, concat from table
import exit from os
-- parse the arguments
parser = with argparse "moonbuild", "A build system in moonscript"
\option '-b --buildfile', "Build file to use", 'Build.moon'
\option '-j --parallel', "Sets the number of parallel tasks, 'y' to run as many as we have cores", '1'
\flag '-l --list', "List the targets", false
\flag '-V --list-variables', "List the variables", false
\flag '-q --quiet', "Don't print targets as they are being built", false
\flag '-f --force', "Always rebuild every target", false
\flag '-v --verbose', "Be verbose", false
(\option '-u --unset', "Unsets a variable")\count '*'
(\option '-s --set', "Sets a variable")\args(2)\count '*'
(\option '-S --set-list', "Sets a variable to a list")\args(2)\count '*'
(\argument 'targets', "Targets to build")\args '*'
args = parser\parse!
overrides = {}
for unset in *args.unset
overrides[unset] = Variable.NIL
for set in *args.set
overrides[set[1]] = set[2]
for set in *args.set_list
overrides[set[1]] = parseargs set[2]
args.parallel = args.parallel == 'y' and 'y' or ((tonumber args.parallel) or error "Invalid argument for -j: #{args.parallel}")
error "Invalid argument for -j: #{args.parallel}" if args.parallel != 'y' and (args.parallel<1 or args.parallel%1 != 0)
verbose args.verbose or false
verbose "Parsed CLI args"
-- load the buildfile
ctx = Context!
ctx\load (loadfile args.buildfile), overrides
verbose "Loaded buildfile"
-- handle -l and -V
if args.list
print "Public targets"
targets, n = {}, 1
for t in *ctx.targets
if t.public
targets[n], n = t.name, n+1
sort targets
print concat targets, ", "
exit 0 unless args.list_variables
if args.list_variables
print "Public variables"
vars, n = {}, 1
for k, v in pairs ctx.variables
if v.public
vars[n], n = k, n+1
sort vars
print concat vars, ", "
exit 0
-- initialize the buildfile further
verbose "Initialized buildfile"
-- create the DAG
targets = #args.targets==0 and ctx.defaulttargets or args.targets
dag = DepGraph ctx, targets
verbose print "Created dependancy graph"
-- execute the build
nparallel = args.parallel == 'y' and Executor\getmaxparallel! or args.parallel
verbose "Building with #{nparallel} max parallel process#{nparallel>1 and "es" or ""}"
executor = Executor dag, nparallel
executor\execute args
verbose "Finished"