public var MOONC: 'moonc' public var AMALG: 'amalg.lua' public var RM: 'rm', '-f', '--' public var LUA: 'lua5.3' var LIB_SRC: _.wildcard 'moonbuild/**.moon' var BIN_SRC: _.wildcard 'bin/*.moon' var LIB_LUA: _.patsubst LIB_SRC, '%.moon', '%.lua' var BIN_LUA: _.patsubst BIN_SRC, '%.moon', '%.lua' var BIN: _.patsubst BIN_LUA, 'bin/%.lua', 'out/%' var LIB: 'out/moonbuild.lua' var MODULES: _.foreach (_.patsubst LIB_LUA, '%.lua', '%'), => @gsub '/', '.' with public default target 'all' \after 'bin' \after 'lib' with public target 'install' \after 'install-bin' \after 'install-lib' with public target 'install-bin' \depends BIN \produces _.patsubst BIN, 'out/%', '/usr/local/bin/%' \fn => _.cmd 'sudo', 'cp', @infile, @out \sync! with public target 'install-lib' \depends LIB \produces "/usr/local/share/lua/#{LUA\gsub 'lua', ''}/moonbuild.lua" \fn => _.cmd 'sudo', 'cp', @infile, @out \sync! with public target 'clean' \fn => _.cmd RM, LIB_LUA \fn => _.cmd RM, BIN_LUA with public target 'mrproper' \after 'clean' \fn => _.cmd RM, BIN, LIB with public target 'bin' \depends BIN with public target 'lib' \depends LIB_LUA, LIB with target BIN, pattern: 'out/%' \depends 'bin/%.lua' \produces 'out/%' \mkdirs! \fn => _.writefile @out, "#!/usr/bin/env #{LUA}\n#{_.readfile @infile}" _.cmd 'chmod', '+x', @out with target LIB \depends 'moonbuild/init.lua' \depends LIB_LUA \produces '%' \fn => _.cmd AMALG, '-o', @out, '-s', @infile, _.exclude MODULES, 'moonbuild.init' with target {LIB_LUA, BIN_LUA}, pattern: '%.lua' \depends '%.moon' \produces '%.lua' \fn => _.moonc @infile, @out