do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local gmatch, match, gsub do local _obj_0 = string gmatch, match, gsub = _obj_0.gmatch, _obj_0.match, _obj_0.gsub end local insert, remove, concat, sub, sort do local _obj_0 = table insert, remove, concat, sub, sort = _obj_0.insert, _obj_0.remove, _obj_0.concat, _obj_0.sub, _obj_0.sort end local _fs = require('moonbuild._fs') local _cmd = require('moonbuild._cmd') local _util = require('moonbuild._util') local _common = require('moonbuild._common') local _ = { } for k, lib in pairs({ _fs = _fs, _cmd = _cmd, _util = _util, _common = _common }) do _[k] = lib local _list_0 = lib() for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local n = _list_0[_index_0] _[n] = lib[n] end end return _ end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._cmd" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local parseargs, escape, cmdline do local _obj_0 = require('moonbuild._cmd.common') parseargs, escape, cmdline = _obj_0.parseargs, _obj_0.escape, _obj_0.cmdline end local verbose verbose = require('moonbuild._common').verbose local ok, cmd, backend = false, nil, nil if not (ok) then ok, cmd = pcall(function() return require('moonbuild._cmd.posix') end) backend = 'posix' end if not (ok) then ok, cmd = pcall(function() return require('moonbuild._cmd.lua') end) backend = 'lua' end if not (ok) then error("unable to load any cmd library, tried luaposix and posix commands") end do local _tbl_0 = { } for k, v in pairs(cmd) do _tbl_0[k] = v end cmd = _tbl_0 end cmd.backend = backend cmd.parseargs = parseargs cmd.escape = escape local _list_0 = ({ 'cmd', 'cmdrst' }) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local f = _list_0[_index_0] local orig = cmd[f] cmd[f] = function(...) verbose("[" .. tostring(f) .. "] " .. tostring(cmdline(...))) return orig(...) end end local _sh = = function(cli) verbose("[sh] " .. tostring(cli)) return _sh(cli) end local _cmd = cmd.cmd local _cmdrst = cmd.cmdrst cmd.cmdline = function(cmdline) return _cmd(parseargs(cmdline)) end cmd.cmdlinerst = function(cmdline) return _cmdrst(parseargs(cmdline)) end return setmetatable(cmd, { __call = function(self) return { 'cmd', 'cmdrst', 'cmdline', 'cmdlinerst', 'sh' } end }) end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._cmd.common" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local gsub, sub, match do local _obj_0 = string gsub, sub, match = _obj_0.gsub, _obj_0.sub, _obj_0.match end local concat concat = table.concat local flatten flatten = require('moonbuild._common').flatten local specialchars = { ['\"'] = '\\\"', ['\\'] = '\\\\', ['\''] = '\\\'', ['\n'] = '\\n', ['\r'] = '\\r', ['\t'] = '\\t' } local replacespecialchar replacespecialchar = function(c) return specialchars[c] or c end local escape escape = function(arg) if match(arg, "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$") then return arg end return '"' .. (gsub(arg, "([\"\\\n\r\t])", replacespecialchar)) .. '"' end local parseargs parseargs = function(argstr) local state = 'normal' local current, ci = { }, 1 local args, ai = { }, 1 local c = nil local i = 0 local running = true local add add = function() current[ci], ci = c, ci + 1 end local push push = function() if ci ~= 1 then args[ai], ai, current, ci = (concat(current)), ai + 1, { }, 1 end end local addv addv = function(v) current[ci], ci = v, ci + 1 end local fail fail = function(msg) return error("failed to parse: " .. tostring(msg) .. " in state " .. tostring(state) .. " at pos " .. tostring(i), 2) end local finish finish = function() running = false end local EOF = '' while running do i = i + 1 c = sub(argstr, i, i) local _exp_0 = state if 'normal' == _exp_0 then local _exp_1 = c if '\"' == _exp_1 then state = 'doublequote' elseif '\'' == _exp_1 then state = 'singlequote' elseif ' ' == _exp_1 then push() elseif '\n' == _exp_1 then push() elseif '\t' == _exp_1 then push() elseif '\\' == _exp_1 then state = 'backslashnormal' elseif EOF == _exp_1 then push() finish() else add() end elseif 'doublequote' == _exp_0 then local _exp_1 = c if '\"' == _exp_1 then state = 'normal' elseif '\\' == _exp_1 then state = 'backslashdoublequote' elseif EOF == _exp_1 then fail("unexpected EOF") else add() end elseif 'singlequote' == _exp_0 then local _exp_1 = c if '\'' == _exp_1 then state = 'normal' elseif EOF == _exp_1 then fail("unexpected EOF") else add() end elseif 'backslashnormal' == _exp_0 then local _exp_1 = c if '\n' == _exp_1 then state = 'normal' elseif EOF == _exp_1 then fail("unexpected EOF") else add() state = 'normal' end elseif 'backslashdoublequote' == _exp_0 then local _exp_1 = c if '$' == _exp_1 then add() state = 'doublequote' elseif '`' == _exp_1 then add() state = 'doublequote' elseif '\"' == _exp_1 then add() state = 'doublequote' elseif '\\' == _exp_1 then add() state = 'doublequote' elseif '\n' == _exp_1 then state = 'doublequote' elseif EOF == _exp_1 then fail("unexpected EOF") else addv('\\') add() state = 'doublequote' end end end return args end local cmdline cmdline = function(...) return concat((function(...) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = flatten(...) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local arg = _list_0[_index_0] _accum_0[_len_0] = escape(arg) _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end)(...), ' ') end return { escape = escape, parseargs = parseargs, cmdline = cmdline } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._cmd.lua" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local cmdline cmdline = require('moonbuild._cmd.common').cmdline local flatten flatten = require('moonbuild._common').flatten local execute execute = require('moonbuild.compat.execute').execute local popen popen = io.popen local concat concat = table.concat local cmd cmd = function(...) local ok, ret, code = execute(cmdline(...)) if not (ok) then return error("command " .. tostring(first(...)) .. " exited with " .. tostring(code) .. " (" .. tostring(ret) .. ")") end end local cmdrst cmdrst = function(...) local fd, err = popen(cmdline(...)) if not (fd) then error(err) end local data = fd:read('*a') fd:close() return data end local sh sh = function(cli) verbose(function() return print('[sh] ' .. cli) end) local ok, ret, code = execute(cli) if not (ok) then return error("command '" .. tostring(cli) .. "' exited with " .. tostring(code) .. " (" .. tostring(ret) .. ")") end end return { cmd = cmd, cmdrst = cmdrst, sh = sh } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._cmd.posix" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local spawn spawn = require('posix').spawn local fork, execp, pipe, dup2, _exit, close do local _obj_0 = require('posix.unistd') fork, execp, pipe, dup2, _exit, close = _obj_0.fork, _obj_0.execp, _obj_0.pipe, _obj_0.dup2, _obj_0._exit, _obj_0.close end local fdopen fdopen = require('posix.stdio').fdopen local wait wait = require('posix.sys.wait').wait local flatten, first do local _obj_0 = require('moonbuild._common') flatten, first = _obj_0.flatten, _obj_0.first end local remove remove = table.remove local cmd cmd = function(...) local code, ty = spawn(flatten(...)) if ty ~= 'exited' or code ~= 0 then return error("command " .. tostring(first(...)) .. " " .. tostring(ty) .. " with code " .. tostring(code)) end end local cmdrst cmdrst = function(...) local rd, wr = pipe() local pid, err = fork() if pid == 0 then dup2(wr, 1) close(rd) local args = flatten(...) local c = remove(args, 1) execp(c, args) return _exit(1) end if pid == nil then close(rd) close(wr) error("command " .. tostring(first(...)) .. " failed to start: couldn't fork(): " .. tostring(err)) end close(wr) local fd = fdopen(rd, 'r') local data = fd:read('*a') fd:close() close(rd) local _, ty, code = wait(pid) if ty ~= 'exited' or code ~= 0 then error("command " .. tostring(first(...)) .. " " .. tostring(ty) .. " with code " .. tostring(code)) end return data end local sh sh = function(cli) verbose(function() return print('[sh] ' .. cli) end) return cmd('sh', '-c', cli) end return { cmd = cmd, cmdrst = cmdrst, sh = sh } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._common" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local sort, concat do local _obj_0 = table sort, concat = _obj_0.sort, _obj_0.concat end local huge huge = math.huge local match, sub do local _obj_0 = string match, sub = _obj_0.match, _obj_0.sub end local common = { } local flatten flatten = function(list, ...) if (select('#', ...)) ~= 0 then return flatten({ list, ... }) end local t = type(list) local _exp_0 = t if 'nil' == _exp_0 then return { } elseif 'string' == _exp_0 then return { list } elseif 'number' == _exp_0 then return { tostring(list) } elseif 'boolean' == _exp_0 then return { list } elseif 'table' == _exp_0 then local keys do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for k in pairs(list) do _accum_0[_len_0] = k _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end keys = _accum_0 end sort(keys) local elements, i = { }, 1 for _index_0 = 1, #keys do local k = keys[_index_0] if (type(k)) == 'number' then local _list_0 = (flatten(list[k])) for _index_1 = 1, #_list_0 do local e = _list_0[_index_1] elements[i], i = e, i + 1 end else return { list } end end return setmetatable(elements, { __tostring = function(self) return concat(self, ' ') end }) else return error("can't flatten elements of type " .. tostring(t)) end end local first first = function(list, ...) local t = type(list) local _exp_0 = t if 'nil' == _exp_0 then if (select('#', ...)) == 0 then return nil else return first(...) end elseif 'string' == _exp_0 then return list elseif 'number' == _exp_0 then return tostring(list) elseif 'boolean' == _exp_0 then return list elseif 'table' == _exp_0 then local min = huge for k in pairs(list) do if (type(k)) == 'number' then if k < min then min = k end else return list end end return first(list[min]) else return error("can't find first of type " .. tostring(t)) end end local foreach foreach = function(list, fn) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = flatten(list) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local v = _list_0[_index_0] _accum_0[_len_0] = fn(v) _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end local filter filter = function(list, fn) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = flatten(list) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local v = _list_0[_index_0] if fn(v) then _accum_0[_len_0] = v _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end return _accum_0 end local includes includes = function(list, v) if list == v then return true end if (type(list)) == 'table' then for k, e in pairs(list) do if (type(k)) == 'number' then if includes(e, v) then return true end end end end if (type(list)) == 'number' then return (tostring(list)) == (tostring(v)) end return false end local patget patget = function(s, pat) local prefix, suffix = match(pat, '^(.*)%%(.*)$') if not (prefix) then return s == pat and s or nil end if (sub(s, 1, #prefix)) == prefix and (suffix == '' or (sub(s, -#suffix)) == suffix) then return sub(s, #prefix + 1, -#suffix - 1) else return nil end end local patset patset = function(s, rep) local prefix, suffix = match(rep, '^(.*)%%(.*)$') if prefix then return prefix .. s .. suffix else return rep end end local patsubst patsubst = function(s, pat, rep) local prefix, suffix = match(pat, '^(.*)%%(.*)$') local rprefix, rsuffix = match(rep, '^(.*)%%(.*)$') local t = type(s) local f = false if t == 'nil' then return nil end if t == 'number' then t = 'string' s = tostring(s) end if t == 'string' then t = 'table' s = { s } f = true end if t ~= 'table' then error("can't substitute patterns on type " .. tostring(t)) end local r, i = { }, 1 local _list_0 = flatten(s) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local s = _list_0[_index_0] if not prefix then if s == pat then if rprefix then r[i], i = rprefix .. s .. rsuffix, i + 1 else r[i], i = rep, i + 1 end end elseif (sub(s, 1, #prefix)) == prefix and (suffix == '' or (sub(s, -#suffix)) == suffix) then if rprefix then r[i], i = rprefix .. (sub(s, #prefix + 1, -#suffix - 1)) .. rsuffix, i + 1 else r[i], i = rep, i + 1 end end end return f and r[1] or r end local exclude exclude = function(list, ...) local exclusions = flatten(...) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = flatten(list) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local v = _list_0[_index_0] if not includes(exclusions, v) then _accum_0[_len_0] = v _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end return _accum_0 end local min min = function(list) local m = list[1] for i = 2, #list do local e = list[i] if e < m then m = e end end return m end local max max = function(list) local m = list[1] for i = 2, #list do local e = list[i] if e > m then m = e end end return m end local minmax minmax = function(list) local m = list[1] local M = list[1] for i = 2, #list do local e = list[i] if e < m then m = e end if e > M then M = e end end return m, M end local _verbose = false local verbose verbose = function(arg) if arg == nil then return _verbose elseif (type(arg)) == 'function' then if _verbose then return arg() end elseif (type(arg)) == 'boolean' then _verbose = arg elseif (type(arg)) == 'string' then if _verbose then return print(arg) end else return error("_.verbose takes either no argument, a boolean, a function or a string") end end common.flatten = flatten common.first = first common.foreach = foreach common.filter = filter common.includes = includes common.patget = patget common.patset = patset common.patsubst = patsubst common.exclude = exclude common.min = min common.max = max common.minmax = minmax common.verbose = verbose return setmetatable(common, { __call = function(self) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for k in pairs(common) do _accum_0[_len_0] = k _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end }) end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._fs" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local remove, concat do local _obj_0 = table remove, concat = _obj_0.remove, _obj_0.concat end local gmatch, match, gsub, sub do local _obj_0 = string gmatch, match, gsub, sub = _obj_0.gmatch, _obj_0.match, _obj_0.gsub, _obj_0.sub end local ok, fs, backend = false, nil, nil if not (ok) then ok, fs = pcall(function() return require('moonbuild._fs.posix') end) backend = 'posix' end if not (ok) then ok, fs = pcall(function() return require('moonbuild._fs.lfs') end) backend = 'lfs' end if not (ok) then ok, fs = pcall(function() return require('moonbuild._fs.cmd') end) backend = 'cmd' end if not (ok) then error("unable to load any fs library, tried luaposix, luafilesystem and posix commands") end local DISABLED = (function() return DISABLED end) local NIL = (function() return NIL end) local cacheenabled = true local caches = { } local clearcache clearcache = function() for k, v in pairs(caches) do v.clearcache() end end local clearentry clearentry = function(entry) for k, v in pairs(caches) do v.clearentry(entry) end end local disableentry disableentry = function(entry) for k, v in pairs(caches) do v.disableentry(entry) end end local disablecache disablecache = function() cacheenabled = false end local enablecache enablecache = function() cacheenabled = true end local withcache withcache = function(fn) local opts = { } opts.cache = { } opts.clearcache = function() opts.cache = { } end opts.clearentry = function(entry) opts.cache[entry] = nil end opts.disableentry = function(entry) opts.cache[entry] = DISABLED end caches[fn] = opts return setmetatable(opts, { __call = function(self, arg) if not (cacheenabled) then return fn(arg) end local cached = opts.cache[arg] if cached == DISABLED then return fn(arg) end if cached == NIL then return nil end if cached ~= nil then return cached end cached = fn(arg) opts.cache[arg] = cached if cached == nil then opts.cache[arg] = NIL end return cached end }) end fs = { dir = withcache(fs.dir), attributes = withcache(fs.attributes), mkdir = fs.mkdir } local attributes, dir, mkdir attributes, dir, mkdir = fs.attributes, fs.dir, fs.mkdir local normalizepath normalizepath = function(file) local parts do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for part in gmatch(file, '[^/]+') do _accum_0[_len_0] = part _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end parts = _accum_0 end local absolute = (sub(file, 1, 1)) == '/' local i = 1 while i <= #parts do local _continue_0 = false repeat if parts[i] == '.' then remove(parts, i) _continue_0 = true break end if parts[i] == '..' and i ~= 1 and parts[i - 1] ~= '..' then remove(parts, i) remove(parts, i - 1) i = i - 1 _continue_0 = true break end i = i + 1 _continue_0 = true until true if not _continue_0 then break end end if #parts == 0 then return absolute and '/' or '.' else return (absolute and '/' or '') .. concat(parts, '/') end end local ls ls = function(d) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = dir(normalizepath(d)) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local f = _list_0[_index_0] if f ~= '.' and f ~= '..' then _accum_0[_len_0] = f _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end return _accum_0 end local lswithpath lswithpath = function(d) if d == '' then return ls('.') end local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = dir(normalizepath(d)) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local f = _list_0[_index_0] if f ~= '.' and f ~= '..' then _accum_0[_len_0] = d .. '/' .. f _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end return _accum_0 end local matchglob matchglob = function(str, glob) glob = gsub(glob, '[%[%]%%+.?-]', function(self) return '%' .. self end) local patt = '^' .. (gsub(glob, '%*%*?', function(self) return self == '**' and '.*' or '[^/]*' end)) .. '$' local rst if (type(str)) == 'table' then local results, i = { }, 1 for _index_0 = 1, #str do local s = str[_index_0] rst = (match(s, patt)) and s if rst then results[i], i = rst, i + 1 end end rst = results else rst = (match(str, patt)) and str end return rst end local exists exists = function(f) return (attributes(normalizepath(f))) ~= nil end local isdir isdir = function(f) return ((attributes(normalizepath(f))) or { }).mode == 'directory' end local wildcard wildcard = function(glob) local parts do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for part in gmatch(glob, '[^/]+') do _accum_0[_len_0] = part _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end parts = _accum_0 end local absolute = (sub(glob, 1, 1)) == '/' for i, part in ipairs(parts) do local prevpath = (absolute and '/' or '') .. concat(parts, '/', 1, i - 1) local currpath = (i == 1 and '' or (prevpath .. '/')) .. part if match(part, '%*%*.*%*%*') then error("Two '**' in the same path component in a wildcard") end if match(part, '%*%*') then local prefix = match(currpath, '^(.*)%*%*') local suffix = (match(part, '%*%*(.*)$')) .. (i == #parts and '' or ('/' .. concat(parts, '/', i + 1, #parts))) if not (exists(prevpath)) then return { } end local files = lswithpath(prevpath) local results, ri = { }, 1 for _index_0 = 1, #files do local file = files[_index_0] if matchglob(file, currpath) then if i == #parts then results[ri], ri = file, ri + 1 elseif isdir(file) then local _list_0 = wildcard(file .. '/' .. concat(parts, '/', i + 1, #parts)) for _index_1 = 1, #_list_0 do local result = _list_0[_index_1] results[ri], ri = result, ri + 1 end end end if (matchglob(file, prefix .. '**')) and isdir(file) then local _list_0 = wildcard(file .. '/**' .. suffix) for _index_1 = 1, #_list_0 do local result = _list_0[_index_1] results[ri], ri = result, ri + 1 end end end return results end if match(part, '%*') then if not (exists(prevpath)) then return { } end local files = lswithpath(prevpath) if i == #parts then return matchglob(files, glob) end local results, ri = { }, 1 for _index_0 = 1, #files do local file = files[_index_0] if (matchglob(file, currpath)) and isdir(file) then local _list_0 = wildcard(file .. '/' .. concat(parts, '/', i + 1, #parts)) for _index_1 = 1, #_list_0 do local result = _list_0[_index_1] results[ri], ri = result, ri + 1 end end end return results end end if exists(glob) then return { glob } else return { } end end local parent parent = function(file) return normalizepath(file .. '/..') end local actualmkdir = mkdir mkdir = function(dir) actualmkdir(dir) return clearentry(parent(dir)) end local mkdirs mkdirs = function(dir) do local attr = attributes(normalizepath(dir)) if attr then if attr.mode == 'directory' then return end error("Can't mkdirs " .. tostring(dir) .. ": file exists") end end mkdirs(parent(dir)) if not (pcall(function() return actualmkdir(dir) end)) then clearentry(parent(dir)) clearentry(dir) if not (isdir(dir)) then error("Failed to mkdirs " .. tostring(dir) .. ": last mkdir failed") end end clearentry(parent(dir)) return clearentry(dir) end do local _tbl_0 = { } for k, fn in pairs(fs) do _tbl_0[k] = withcache(fn) end fs = _tbl_0 end fs.normalizepath = normalizepath = ls fs.lswithpath = lswithpath fs.matchglob = matchglob fs.exists = exists fs.isdir = isdir fs.wildcard = wildcard fs.parent = parent fs.mkdir = mkdir fs.mkdirs = mkdirs fs.clearcache = clearcache fs.clearentry = clearentry fs.disableentry = disableentry fs.disablecache = disablecache fs.enablecache = enablecache fs.backend = backend return setmetatable(fs, { __call = function(self) return { 'dir', 'ls', 'normalizepath', 'exists', 'isdir', 'wildcard', 'mkdir', 'mkdirs' } end }) end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._fs.cmd" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local escape escape = require('moonbuild._cmd').escape local execute execute = require('moonbuild.compat.execute').execute local popen popen = io.popen local gmatch, match, sub do local _obj_0 = string gmatch, match, sub = _obj_0.gmatch, _obj_0.match, _obj_0.sub end if not ((execute("which ls >/dev/null 2>&1")) and (execute("which stat >/dev/null 2>&1"))) then error("commands ls and stat aren't available") end return { dir = function(path) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for file in (popen("ls -1 " .. tostring(escape(path)))):lines() do _accum_0[_len_0] = file _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end, attributes = function(path) local fd = popen("stat -c '%d %i %A %h %u %g %s %b %t %T %X %Y %Z' " .. tostring(escape(path))) local stat do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for part in gmatch((fd:read('*a')), "%S+") do _accum_0[_len_0] = part _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end stat = _accum_0 end fd:close() fd = popen("stat -f -c '%S' " .. tostring(escape(path))) local blksize = match((fd:read('*a')), '%S+') fd:close() return { dev = tonumber(stat[1]), ino = tonumber(stat[2]), nlink = tonumber(stat[4]), uid = tonumber(stat[5]), gid = tonumber(stat[6]), size = tonumber(stat[7]), blocks = tonumber(stat[8]), blksize = tonumber(blksize), access = tonumber(stat[11]), modification = tonumber(stat[12]), change = tonumber(stat[13]), permissions = (function() return sub(stat[3], 2) end)(), mode = (function() local _exp_0 = sub(stat[3], 1, 1) if '-' == _exp_0 then return 'file' elseif 'd' == _exp_0 then return 'directory' elseif 'l' == _exp_0 then return 'link' elseif 's' == _exp_0 then return 'socket' elseif 'p' == _exp_0 then return 'named pipe' elseif 'c' == _exp_0 then return 'char device' elseif 'b' == _exp_0 then return 'block device' else return 'other' end end)(), rdev = (function() return (tonumber(stat[9])) * 256 + (tonumber(stat[10])) end)() } end, mkdir = function(path) if not (execute("mkdir " .. tostring(escape(path)))) then return error("Mkdir " .. tostring(path) .. " failed") end end } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._fs.lfs" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local dir, attributes, mkdir do local _obj_0 = require('lfs') dir, attributes, mkdir = _obj_0.dir, _obj_0.attributes, _obj_0.mkdir end return { dir = function(path) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for v in dir(path) do _accum_0[_len_0] = v _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end, attributes = attributes, mkdir = function(path) local ok, err = mkdir(path) if not (ok) then return error("Failed to mkdir " .. tostring(path) .. ": " .. tostring(err)) end end } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._fs.posix" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local dir dir = require('posix.dirent').dir local stat, mkdir, S_IFMT, S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFDIR, S_IFIFO, S_IFLINK, S_IFREG, S_IFSOCK do local _obj_0 = require('posix.sys.stat') stat, mkdir, S_IFMT, S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFDIR, S_IFIFO, S_IFLINK, S_IFREG, S_IFSOCK = _obj_0.stat, _obj_0.mkdir, _obj_0.S_IFMT, _obj_0.S_IFBLK, _obj_0.S_IFCHR, _obj_0.S_IFDIR, _obj_0.S_IFIFO, _obj_0.S_IFLINK, _obj_0.S_IFREG, _obj_0.S_IFSOCK end local band, btest do local _obj_0 = require('moonbuild.compat.bit') band, btest =, _obj_0.btest end local concat concat = table.concat return { dir = dir, attributes = function(path) local st = stat(path) if not (st) then return nil end local mode = st.st_mode return { mode = (function() local ty = band(mode, S_IFMT) local _exp_0 = ty if S_IFREG == _exp_0 then return 'file' elseif S_IFDIR == _exp_0 then return 'directory' elseif S_IFLINK == _exp_0 then return 'link' elseif S_IFSOCK == _exp_0 then return 'socket' elseif S_IFIFO == _exp_0 then return 'named pipe' elseif S_IFCHR == _exp_0 then return 'char device' elseif S_IFBLK == _exp_0 then return 'block device' else return 'other' end end)(), permissions = (function() local _suid = btest(mode, 2048) local _sgid = btest(mode, 1024) local _stic = btest(mode, 512) local _ur = btest(mode, 256) local _uw = btest(mode, 128) local _ux = btest(mode, 64) local _gr = btest(mode, 32) local _gw = btest(mode, 16) local _gx = btest(mode, 8) local _or = btest(mode, 4) local _ow = btest(mode, 2) local _ox = btest(mode, 1) return concat({ _ur and 'r' or '-', _uw and 'w' or '-', _suid and 's' or (_ux and 'x' or '-'), _gr and 'r' or '-', _gw and 'w' or '-', _sgid and 's' or (_gx and 'x' or '-'), _or and 'r' or '-', _ow and 'w' or '-', _stic and 't' or (_ox and 'x' or '-') }) end)(), dev = st.st_dev, ino = st.st_ino, nlink = st.st_nlink, uid = st.st_uid, gid = st.st_gid, rdev = st.st_rdev, access = st.st_atime, modification = st.st_mtime, change = st.st_ctime, size = st.st_size, blocks = st.st_blocks, blksize = st.st_blksize } end, mkdir = function(path) local ok, err = mkdir(path) if not (ok) then return error("Failed to mkdir " .. tostring(path) .. ": " .. tostring(err)) end end } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild._util" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local to_lua to_lua = require('moonscript.base').to_lua local parseargs, cmdrst do local _obj_0 = require('moonbuild._cmd') parseargs, cmdrst = _obj_0.parseargs, _obj_0.cmdrst end local verbose verbose = require('moonbuild._common').verbose local gmatch, match, gsub do local _obj_0 = string gmatch, match, gsub = _obj_0.gmatch, _obj_0.match, _obj_0.gsub end local open open = local util = { } local _pkgconfig _pkgconfig = function(mode, ...) return parseargs(cmdrst('pkg-config', "--" .. tostring(mode), ...)) end local pkgconfig = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(self, mode) return function(...) return _pkgconfig(mode, ...) end end }) local _cdeps _cdeps = function(cc, cflags, path) local raw = cmdrst(cc, cflags, '-M', path) local rawlist = gsub((match(raw, ':(.+)')), '\\\n', ' ') local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for v in gmatch(rawlist, '%S+') do _accum_0[_len_0] = v _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end local cdeps = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(self, cc) return function(path, cflags) return _cdeps(cc, cflags, path) end end, __call = function(self, path, cflags) return _cdeps('cc', cflags, path) end }) local readfile readfile = function(filename) local fd, err = open(filename, 'rb') if not (fd) then error(err) end local data data, err = fd:read('*a') if not (data) then error(err) end fd:close() return data end local writefile writefile = function(filename, data) local fd, err = open(filename, 'wb') if not (fd) then error(err) end local ok ok, err = fd:write(data) if not (ok) then error(err) end fd:close() return nil end local moonc moonc = function(infile, outfile) verbose("[moonc] " .. tostring(infile) .. " " .. tostring(outfile)) local code, err = to_lua(readfile(infile)) if not (code) then error("Failed to compile " .. tostring(self.infile) .. ": " .. tostring(err)) end return writefile(outfile, code) end util.pkgconfig = pkgconfig util.cdeps = cdeps util.readfile = readfile util.writefile = writefile util.moonc = moonc return setmetatable(util, { __call = function(self) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for k in pairs(util) do _accum_0[_len_0] = k _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end }) end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.compat.bit" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local loadstring = loadstring or load local floor, ceil, pow do local _obj_0 = math floor, ceil, pow = _obj_0.floor, _obj_0.ceil, _obj_0.pow end local band = loadstring([[local a, b = ...; return a & b ]]) local bor = loadstring([[local a, b = ...; return a | b ]]) local bxor = loadstring([[local a, b = ...; return a ~ b ]]) local bnot = loadstring([[local a = ...; return ~a ]]) local shl = loadstring([[local a, b = ...; return a << b]]) local shr = loadstring([[local a, b = ...; return a >> b]]) if not (band) then local _checkint _checkint = function(n) if n % 1 == 0 then return n else return error("not an int") end end local _shl _shl = function(a, b) return a * pow(2, b) end local _shr _shr = function(a, b) local v = a / pow(2, b) if v < 0 then return ceil(v) else return floor(v) end end local _shr1 _shr1 = function(n) n = n / 2 if n < 0 then return ceil(v) else return floor(v) end end local _band _band = function(a, b) local v = 0 local n = 1 for i = 0, 63 do if a % 2 == 1 and b % 2 == 1 then v = v + n end if i ~= 63 then a = _shr1(a) b = _shr1(b) n = n * 2 end end return v end local _bor _bor = function(a, b) local v = 0 local n = 1 for i = 0, 63 do if a % 2 == 1 or b % 2 == 1 then v = v + n end if i ~= 63 then a = _shr1(a) b = _shr1(b) n = n * 2 end end return v end local _bxor _bxor = function(a, b) local v = 0 local n = 1 for i = 0, 63 do if a % 2 ~= b % 2 then v = v + n end if i ~= 63 then a = _shr1(a) b = _shr1(b) n = n * 2 end end return v end local _bnot _bnot = function(a) local v = 0 local n = 1 for i = 0, 63 do if a % 2 == 0 then v = v + n end if i ~= 63 then a = _shr1(a) n = n * 2 end end return v end band = function(a, b) return _band((_checkint(a)), (_checkint(b))) end bor = function(a, b) return _bor((_checkint(a)), (_checkint(b))) end bxor = function(a, b) return _bxor((_checkint(a)), (_checkint(b))) end bnot = function(a) return _bnot((_checkint(a))) end shl = function(a, b) return _shl((_checkint(a)), (_checkint(b))) end shr = function(a, b) return _shr((_checkint(a)), (_checkint(b))) end end local btest btest = function(a, b) return (band(a, b)) == b end return { band = band, bor = bor, bxor = bxor, bnot = bnot, shl = shl, shr = shr, btest = btest } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.compat.ctx" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local pcall = require('moonbuild.compat.pcall') local runwithcontext if setfenv then runwithcontext = function(fn, ctx, ...) local env = getfenv(fn) setfenv(fn, ctx) local data, ndata, ok local acc acc = function(succ, ...) ok = succ if succ then data = { ... } ndata = select('#', ...) else data = ... end end acc(pcall(fn, ...)) setfenv(fn, env) if ok then return unpack(data, 1, ndata) else return error(data) end end else local dump dump = string.dump runwithcontext = function(fn, ctx, ...) local code = dump(fn, false) fn = load(code, 'runwithcontext', 'b', ctx) return fn(...) end end return { runwithcontext = runwithcontext } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.compat.execute" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local execute execute = os.execute return { execute = function(cmd) local a, b, c = execute(cmd) if (type(a)) == 'boolean' then return a, b, c else return a == 0 or nil, 'exit', a end end } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.compat.pcall" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local pcall = _G.pcall local unpack = _G.unpack or table.unpack local testfn testfn = function(a, b) return a == b and a == 1 and true or error() end local testok, testrst = pcall(testfn, 1, 1) if not (testok and testrst) then local realpcall = pcall pcall = function(fn, ...) local args = { n = (select('#', ...)), ... } return realpcall(function() return fn(unpack(args, 1, args.n)) end) end end return pcall end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.context" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local runwithcontext runwithcontext = require('moonbuild.compat.ctx').runwithcontext local topenv = require('') local initenv = require('moonbuild.env.init') local includes includes = require('moonbuild._common').includes local insert insert = table.insert local Context do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { addvar = function(self, var) self.variables[] = var end, addinit = function(self, fn) return insert(self.inits, fn) end, addtarget = function(self, target) return insert(self.targets, target) end, resetexecuted = function(self) self.executedtargets = { } end, adddefault = function(self, target) if not (includes(self.targets, target)) then error("not a target of the current context: " .. tostring(target)) end if not ((type( == 'string') then error("not a named target") end return insert(self.defaulttargets, end, load = function(self, code, overrides) return runwithcontext(code, (topenv(self, overrides))) end, init = function(self) if self.inits[1] then local env = (initenv(self)) local _list_0 = self.inits for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local init = _list_0[_index_0] runwithcontext(code, env) end end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) self.targets = { } self.defaulttargets = { } self.variables = { } self.inits = { } end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Context" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 Context = _class_0 return _class_0 end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.core.DAG" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local first, filter, foreach, flatten, patsubst, includes do local _obj_0 = require('moonbuild._common') first, filter, foreach, flatten, patsubst, includes = _obj_0.first, _obj_0.filter, _obj_0.foreach, _obj_0.flatten, _obj_0.patsubst, _obj_0.includes end local runwithcontext runwithcontext = require('moonbuild.compat.ctx').runwithcontext local globalenv = require('') local exists, parent, mkdirs, clearentry, disableentry, attributes do local _obj_0 = require('moonbuild._fs') exists, parent, mkdirs, clearentry, disableentry, attributes = _obj_0.exists, _obj_0.parent, _obj_0.mkdirs, _obj_0.clearentry, _obj_0.disableentry, _obj_0.attributes end local sort, insert, remove do local _obj_0 = table sort, insert, remove = _obj_0.sort, _obj_0.insert, _obj_0.remove end local huge huge = math.huge local DepNode, FileTarget local nodepriority nodepriority = function(a, b) local ta = type( local tb = type( local da = #a.deps local db = #b.deps local sa = a.sync local sb = b.sync if ta == 'string' and tb ~= 'string' then return true elseif ta ~= 'string' and tb == 'string' then return false elseif a.priority > b.priority then return true elseif a.priority < b.priority then return false elseif sa and not sb then return false elseif sb and not sa then return true else return da < db end end local transclosure transclosure = function(obj, prop) local elems = { } local i = 1 local set = { } local imp imp = function(e) if not (e[prop]) then return end local _list_0 = e[prop] for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local v = _list_0[_index_0] if not set[v] then elems[i], i = v, i + 1 set[v] = i imp(v) end end end imp(obj) return elems end local mtime mtime = function(path) local attr = attributes(path) return attr and attr.modification end local DepGraph do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { addnode = function(self, name) if self.nodes[name] then return end local elected = self:topresolvedeps(name) self.nodes[name] = elected local _list_0 = (transclosure(elected, 'deps')) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local dep = _list_0[_index_0] self.nodes[] = dep dep.deps = nil end elected.deps = nil end, topresolvedeps = function(self, name) local errors = { } local ok, rst = pcall(function() return self:resolvedeps(name, nil, errors) end) if ok then return rst else local msg = { "Failed to resolve target \'" .. tostring(name) .. "\'\n" } for _index_0 = 1, #errors do local e = errors[_index_0] if e.err:match('^moonbuild') then e.err = e.err:match(': (.+)$') end end for i = #errors, 1, -1 do local e = errors[i] insert(msg, tostring(string.rep('| ', e.level - 1)) .. "+-[" .. tostring( .. "] level " .. tostring(e.level) .. ": " .. tostring(e.err)) end insert(msg, '') return error(table.concat(msg, '\n')) end end, resolvedeps = function(self, name, level, errors) if level == nil then level = 1 end if errors == nil then errors = { } end do local node = self.nodes[name] if node then print("deps(" .. tostring(name) .. ") = " .. tostring( or '[noname]')) return node, { } end end local candidates = filter({ self.ctx.targets, FileTarget() }, function(target) return target:matches(name) end) local nodes = foreach(candidates, function(candidate) return { a = { pcall(function() return DepNode(self, candidate, name, level, errors) end) } } end) local resolved = foreach((filter(nodes, function(node) return node.a[1] end)), function(node) return node.a[2] end) sort(resolved, nodepriority) if not (resolved[1]) then local err = "Cannot resolve target " .. tostring(name) .. ": " .. tostring(#candidates) .. " candidates, " .. tostring(#resolved) .. " resolved" table.insert(errors, { name = name, level = level, err = err }) error(err) end return resolved[1] end, buildablenodes = function(self) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for k, v in pairs(self.nodes) do if v:canbuild() and not v.built then _accum_0[_len_0] = v _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end return _accum_0 end, reset = function(self) for k, n in pairs(self.nodes) do n.built = false end end, resetchildren = function(self, names) local done = { } local stack do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _index_0 = 1, #names do local v = names[_index_0] _accum_0[_len_0] = v _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end stack = _accum_0 end while #stack ~= 0 do local _continue_0 = false repeat local name = remove(stack) if done[name] then _continue_0 = true break end done[name] = true local node = self.nodes[name] node.built = false local _list_0 = (node:children()) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local n = _list_0[_index_0] insert(stack, n) end _continue_0 = true until true if not _continue_0 then break end end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, ctx, names) if names == nil then names = { } end self.ctx = ctx self.nodes = { } self.env = globalenv(self.ctx) for _index_0 = 1, #names do local name = names[_index_0] self:addnode(name) end end, __base = _base_0, __name = "DepGraph" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 DepGraph = _class_0 end do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { children = function(self) local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for k, n in pairs(self.dag.nodes) do if (includes(n.ins, or (includes(n.after, then _accum_0[_len_0] = k _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end return _accum_0 end, canbuild = function(self) local _list_0 = flatten({ self.ins, self.after }) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local node = _list_0[_index_0] if not self.dag.nodes[node].built then return false end end local _list_1 = self.ins for _index_0 = 1, #_list_1 do local file = _list_1[_index_0] if not exists(file) then error("Node " .. tostring( .. " has ran all of its parents, but can't run since " .. tostring(file) .. " doesn't exist. Did you mean to use after instead of depends?") end end return true end, build = function(self, opts) if opts == nil then opts = { } end local force = opts.force or false local quiet = opts.quiet or false if self.built or #self.buildfunctions == 0 then return false end if not (force or self:shouldbuild()) then return false end if not (quiet) then print(tostring(self.type == 'virtual' and "Running" or "Building") .. " " .. tostring( .. " [level " .. tostring(self.level) .. "]") end self:actuallybuild() return true end, shouldbuild = function(self) if #self.outs == 0 or #self.ins == 0 or self.type == 'virtual' then return true end local minout = huge local _list_0 = self.outs for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local file = _list_0[_index_0] local time = mtime(file) if not time then return true end if time < minout then minout = time end end local maxin = 0 local _list_1 = self.ins for _index_0 = 1, #_list_1 do local file = _list_1[_index_0] local time = mtime(file) if time > maxin then maxin = time end end return maxin > minout end, actuallybuild = function(self) if self.mkdirs then local _list_0 = self.outs for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local file = _list_0[_index_0] mkdirs(parent(file)) end end local _list_0 = self.outs for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local file = _list_0[_index_0] disableentry(file) end local ctx = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(_, k) local _exp_0 = k if 'infile' == _exp_0 or 'in' == _exp_0 then return self.ins[1] elseif 'infiles' == _exp_0 then return self.ins elseif 'outfile' == _exp_0 or 'out' == _exp_0 then return self.outs[1] elseif 'outfiles' == _exp_0 then return self.outs elseif 'name' == _exp_0 then return else return error("No such field in TargetContext: " .. tostring(k)) end end, __newindex = function(self, k) return error("Attempt to set field " .. tostring(k) .. " of TargetContext") end }) local _list_1 = self.buildfunctions for _index_0 = 1, #_list_1 do local fn = _list_1[_index_0] runwithcontext(fn, self.dag.env, ctx) end end, updatecache = function(self) local _list_0 = self.outs for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local file = _list_0[_index_0] clearentry(file) end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, dag, target, name, level, errors) self.dag,, self.level = dag, name, level self.priority = target.priority self.buildfunctions = target.buildfunctions self.mkdirs = target._mkdirs self.sync = target._sync self.type = target._type self.outs = foreach(target.outfiles, function(name) return patsubst(, target.pattern, name) end) if #self.outs == 0 then self.type = 'virtual' end self.built = false local resolve resolve = function(name) return self.dag:resolvedeps((patsubst(, target.pattern, name)), level + 1, errors) end local after = flatten(foreach(target.needtargets, resolve)) local deps = flatten(foreach(target.infiles, resolve)) if #target.depfunctions ~= 0 then local ctx = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(_, k) local _exp_0 = k if 'infile' == _exp_0 or 'in' == _exp_0 then local f = first(deps) return f and elseif 'infiles' == _exp_0 then return foreach(deps, function(self) return end) elseif 'outfile' == _exp_0 or 'out' == _exp_0 then local f = first(self.outs) return f and elseif 'outfiles' == _exp_0 then return foreach(self.outs, function(self) return end) elseif 'name' == _exp_0 then return else return error("No such field in TargetDepsContext: " .. tostring(k)) end end, __newindex = function(self, k) return error("Attempt to set field " .. tostring(k) .. " of TargetDepsContext") end }) local _list_0 = target.depfunctions for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local depfn = _list_0[_index_0] deps = flatten(deps, foreach((runwithcontext(depfn, self.dag.env, ctx)), resolve)) end end self.ins = foreach(deps, function(dep) return end) self.after = foreach(after, function(dep) return end) self.deps = flatten({ deps, after }) if #self.deps == 0 and #self.buildfunctions == 0 then self.built = true end end, __base = _base_0, __name = "DepNode" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 DepNode = _class_0 end do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { matches = function(self, name) return exists(name) end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) self.priority = -huge self.buildfunctions = { } self._mkdirs = false self._sync = false self._type = 'file' self.needtargets = { } self.infiles = { } self.depfunctions = { } self.outfiles = { '%' } self.pattern = '%' end, __base = _base_0, __name = "FileTarget" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 FileTarget = _class_0 end return DepGraph end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.core.Pipeline" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local Target = require('moonbuild.core.Target') local _ = require('moonbuild._') local flatten, patsubst flatten, patsubst = _.flatten, _.patsubst local Pipeline do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { sources = function(self, ...) self.lastsources = flatten(self.lastsources, ...) end, source = function(self, src) self.lastsources = flatten(self.lastsources, src) end, step = function(self, name, params) local public = true if (type(name)) == 'table' then public, params = false, name end local tgttype if params.pattern then if not ((type(params.pattern)) == 'table' and (type(params.pattern[1])) == 'string' and (type(params.pattern[2])) == 'string') then error("pattern must be a table with the same format as patsubst") end tgttype = 'pattern' elseif params.output or params.out then if not ((type(params.output or params.out)) == 'string') then error("output must be a string") end tgttype = 'single' else tgttype = error("invalid step type for pipeline: must be pattern or single (out/output)") end local tgtouts local _exp_0 = tgttype if 'pattern' == _exp_0 then tgtouts = patsubst(self.lastsources, params.pattern[1], params.pattern[2]) elseif 'single' == _exp_0 then tgtouts = params.output or params.out end local tgtpatt local _exp_1 = tgttype if 'pattern' == _exp_1 then tgtpatt = params.pattern[2] elseif 'single' == _exp_1 then tgtpatt = nil end local tgtins local _exp_2 = tgttype if 'pattern' == _exp_2 then tgtins = params.pattern[1] elseif 'single' == _exp_2 then tgtins = self.lastsources end local tgtprod local _exp_3 = tgttype if 'pattern' == _exp_3 then tgtprod = params.pattern[2] elseif 'single' == _exp_3 then tgtprod = '%' end local tgt do local _with_0 = Target(self.ctx, tgtouts, { pattern = tgtpatt }) _with_0:depends(tgtins) _with_0:produces(tgtprod) _with_0:fn(params.fn or error("pipeline steps need a fn")) tgt = _with_0 end if params.mkdirs then tgt:mkdirs() end if params.sync then tgt:sync() end self.ctx:addtarget(tgt) if public then self.ctx:addtarget((function() do local _with_0 = Target(self.ctx, name) _with_0:depends(tgtouts) _with_0.public = true return _with_0 end end)()) end self.lastsources = tgtouts end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, ctx) self.ctx = ctx self.lastsources = { } end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Pipeline" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 Pipeline = _class_0 return _class_0 end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.core.Target" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local flatten, includes, patget do local _obj_0 = require('moonbuild._common') flatten, includes, patget = _obj_0.flatten, _obj_0.includes, _obj_0.patget end local insert insert = table.insert local Target do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { matches = function(self, name) if == name then return true end if (includes(, name)) and patget(name, self.pattern) then return true end return false end, produces = function(self, ...) local n = #self.outfiles + 1 local _list_0 = flatten(...) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local obj = _list_0[_index_0] self.outfiles[n], n = obj, n + 1 end end, depends = function(self, ...) if (type(...)) == 'function' then return insert(self.depfunctions, (...)) else local n = #self.infiles + 1 local _list_0 = flatten(...) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local obj = _list_0[_index_0] self.infiles[n], n = obj, n + 1 end end end, after = function(self, ...) local n = #self.needtargets + 1 local _list_0 = flatten(...) for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local tgt = _list_0[_index_0] self.needtargets[n], n = tgt, n + 1 end end, fn = function(self, fn) return insert(self.buildfunctions, fn) end, sync = function(self) self._sync = true end, mkdirs = function(self) self._mkdirs = true end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, ctx, name, opts) if opts == nil then opts = { } end self.ctx, = ctx, name if (type( ~= 'string' then = flatten( end self.pattern = opts.pattern or ((type( == 'string' and or '%') self.priority = opts.priority or 0 if not ((type(self.pattern)) == 'string') then error("pattern must be a string") end if not ((type(self.priority)) == 'number' and self.priority % 1 == 0) then error("priority must be an int") end self.outfiles = { } self.infiles = { } self.needtargets = { } self.depfunctions = { } self.buildfunctions = { } self._mkdirs = false self._sync = false self._type = 'normal' self.public = false end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Target" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 Target = _class_0 return _class_0 end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.core.Variable" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local flatten flatten = require('moonbuild._common').flatten local Variable do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, name, ...) = name self.public = false if (type( == 'table' then if not ((type(next( == 'string') then error("not a valid var table: " .. tostring(next( end if next(, (next( then error("more than one var at once: " .. tostring(next( .. ", " .. tostring(next(, (next( end name = next( local param, param = name, local val = param[name] if (select('#', ...)) ~= 0 or (type(val)) == 'table' then self.value = flatten(val, ...) else self.value = val end elseif (select('#', ...)) ~= 1 or (type(...)) == 'table' then self.value = flatten(...) else self.value = ... end end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Variable" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 self.NIL = function() end Variable = _class_0 return _class_0 end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.core.executor" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local ok, MultiProcessExecutor = pcall(function() return require('moonbuild.core.multiprocessexecutor') end) return ok and MultiProcessExecutor or require('moonbuild.core.singleprocessexecutor') end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.core.multiprocessexecutor" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local SingleProcessExecutor = require('moonbuild.core.singleprocessexecutor') local fork, _exit do local _obj_0 = require('posix.unistd') fork, _exit = _obj_0.fork, _obj_0._exit end local wait wait = require('posix.sys.wait').wait local open, stderr do local _obj_0 = io open, stderr =, _obj_0.stderr end local match match = string.match local Executor do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { execute = function(self, opts) if self.nparallel == 1 then return (SingleProcessExecutor(self.dag, 1)):execute(opts) end local block = self.dag:buildablenodes() while #block ~= 0 do for _index_0 = 1, #block do local node = block[_index_0] self:addprocess(node, opts) if self.nprocesses == self.nparallel then self:waitprocess() end end do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = self.dag:buildablenodes() for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local node = _list_0[_index_0] if not self.building[node] then _accum_0[_len_0] = node _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end block = _accum_0 end while #block == 0 and self.nprocesses ~= 0 do self:waitprocess() do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_0 = self.dag:buildablenodes() for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local node = _list_0[_index_0] if not self.building[node] then _accum_0[_len_0] = node _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end end block = _accum_0 end end end while self.nprocesses ~= 0 do self:waitprocess() end for name, node in pairs(self.dag.nodes) do if not (node.built) then error("Node " .. tostring(name) .. " wasn't built") end end if not (opts.quiet) then if self.nbuilt == 0 then return print("Nothing to be done") else return print("Built " .. tostring(self.nbuilt) .. " targets") end end end, addprocess = function(self, node, opts) if node.sync then while self.nprocesses ~= 0 do self:waitprocess() end node:build(opts) node.built = true node:updatecache() return end local pid = fork() if not (pid) then error("Failed to fork") end if pid ~= 0 then self.processes[pid] = node self.nprocesses = self.nprocesses + 1 self.building[node] = true else local ok, status = pcall(function() return node:build(opts) end) if ok then _exit(status and 0 or 2) return _exit(0) else stderr:write(status) return _exit(1) end end end, waitprocess = function(self) local pid, ty, status = wait() if not (pid) then error("Failed to wait") end if ty ~= 'exited' or status ~= 0 and status ~= 2 then error("Failed to build " .. tostring(self.processes[pid].name)) end self.processes[pid].built = true self.processes[pid]:updatecache() self.processes[pid] = nil self.nprocesses = self.nprocesses - 1 if status == 0 then self.nbuilt = self.nbuilt + 1 end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, dag, nparallel) self.dag, self.nparallel = dag, nparallel self.processes = { } self.nprocesses = 0 self.building = { } self.nbuilt = 0 end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Executor" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 self.getmaxparallel = function(self) local fd = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') if not (fd) then return 1 end local ncpu = 0 for line in fd:lines() do if match(line, '^processor%s*:') then ncpu = ncpu + 1 end end fd:close() return ncpu == 0 and 1 or ncpu end Executor = _class_0 return _class_0 end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.core.singleprocessexecutor" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local Executor do local _class_0 local _base_0 = { execute = function(self, opts) local nbuilt = 0 local block = self.dag:buildablenodes() while #block ~= 0 do for _index_0 = 1, #block do local node = block[_index_0] if node:build(opts) then nbuilt = nbuilt + 1 end node:updatecache() node.built = true end block = self.dag:buildablenodes() end for name, node in pairs(self.dag.nodes) do if not (node.built) then error("Node " .. tostring(name) .. " wasn't built") end end if not (opts.quiet) then if nbuilt == 0 then return print("Nothing to be done") else return print("Built " .. tostring(nbuilt) .. " targets") end end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, dag, nparallel) self.dag, self.nparallel = dag, nparallel end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Executor" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 self.getmaxparallel = function(self) return 1 end Executor = _class_0 return _class_0 end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local _ = require('moonbuild._') return function(ctx) local varlayer = setmetatable({ }, { __index = _G }) for name, var in pairs(ctx.variables) do rawset(varlayer, name, var.value) end local env = setmetatable({ }, { __index = varlayer, __newindex = function(self, k) return error("attempt to assign to global variable '" .. tostring(k) .. "', which is disabled in the global env") end }) rawset(env, '_', _) rawset(env, '_G', env) rawset(env, '_ENV', env) return env, varlayer end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "moonbuild.env.init" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local Target = require('moonbuild.core.Target') local Variable = require('moonbuild.core.Variable') local Pipeline = require('moonbuild.core.Pipeline') local _ = require('moonbuild._') local flatten flatten = _.flatten return function(ctx) local varlayer = setmetatable({ }, { __index = _G }) for name, var in pairs(ctx.variables) do rawset(varlayer, name, var.value) end local env = setmetatable({ }, { __index = varlayer, __newindex = function(self, k) return error("attempt to assign to global variable '" .. tostring(k) .. "', use the function 'var' instead") end }) rawset(env, '_', _) rawset(env, '_G', env) rawset(env, '_ENV', env) rawset(env, 'var', function(...) local var = Variable(...) ctx:addvar(var) rawset(varlayer,, var.value) return var end) rawset(env, 'target', function(name, opts) local target = Target(ctx, name, opts) ctx:addtarget(target) return target end) rawset(env, 'pipeline', function() return Pipeline(ctx) end) return env, varlayer end end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload[ "" ] = function( ... ) local arg = _G.arg; local initenv = require('moonbuild.env.init') local Target = require('moonbuild.core.Target') local Variable = require('moonbuild.core.Variable') return function(ctx, overrides) local env, varlayer = initenv(ctx) rawset(env, 'default', function(target) ctx:adddefault(target) return target end) rawset(env, 'public', function(e) local clazz = ((getmetatable(e)) or { }).__class if clazz == Target then e.public = true elseif clazz == Variable then e.public = true local override = overrides[] if override then if override == Variable.NIL then override = nil end e.value = override rawset(varlayer,, override) end else error("cannot set an object of type " .. tostring(clazz and clazz.__name or type(e)) .. " public") end return e end) rawset(env, 'init', function(fn) if not ((type(fn)) == 'function') then error("you can only add functions to init") end return ctx:addinit(fn) end) return env, varlayer end end end local loadfile loadfile = require('moonscript.base').loadfile local Context = require('moonbuild.context') local DepGraph = require('moonbuild.core.DAG') local Executor = require('moonbuild.core.executor') local _ = require('moonbuild._') local insert insert = table.insert local moonbuild moonbuild = function(...) local opts = { } for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local arg = select(i, ...) if (type(arg)) == 'string' then insert(opts, arg) elseif (type(arg)) == 'table' then for k, v in pairs(arg) do if (type(k)) ~= 'number' then opts[k] = v end end for i, v in ipairs(arg) do insert(opts, v) end else error("Invalid argument type " .. tostring(type(arg)) .. " for moonbuild") end end local buildfile = opts.buildfile or opts.b or 'Build.moon' opts.buildfile = buildfile local parallel = opts.parallel or opts.j or 1 if parallel == 'y' then parallel = true end opts.parallel = parallel local quiet = opts.quiet or opts.q or false opts.quiet = quiet local force = opts.force or opts.f or false opts.force = force local verbose = opts.verbose or opts.v or false opts.verbose = verbose _.verbose(verbose) local ctx = Context() ctx:load((loadfile(buildfile)), opts) _.verbose("Loaded buildfile") ctx:init() _.verbose("Initialized buildfile") local targets = #opts == 0 and ctx.defaulttargets or opts local dag = DepGraph(ctx, targets) _.verbose("Created dependancy graph") local nparallel = parallel == true and Executor:getmaxparallel() or parallel _.verbose("Building with " .. tostring(nparallel) .. " max parallel process" .. tostring(nparallel > 1 and "es" or "")) local executor = Executor(dag, nparallel) executor:execute(opts) return _.verbose("Finished") end local table = { moonbuild = moonbuild, _ = _, Context = Context, DepGraph = DepGraph, Executor = Executor } return setmetatable(table, { __call = function(self, ...) return moonbuild(...) end, __index = function(self, name) return require("moonbuild." .. tostring(name)) end })