A "simple" Snake, done as my final JS class project back in DUT https://snek.s.codinget.me
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
1.7 KiB

const assets=require('assets');
let watchers=Object.create(null);
let lastWatchCode=1;
const toBoolean=v => {
if(v=='false' || v==false) return false;
return true;
const notify=(key, value) => {
const interested=watchers[key];
if(interested) Object
.map(key => interested[key])
.forEach(fn => fn(key, value));
const get=key => {
let confVal=localStorage.getItem('config.'+key);
if(confVal===null) return assets.get('config')[key];
return confVal;
const getB=key => toBoolean(get(key));
const getN=key => +get(key);
const getS=key => ''+get(key);
const set=(key, value) => {
localStorage.setItem('config.'+key, value);
notify(key, value);
const remove=key => {
localStorage.removeItem('config.'+key, value);
notify(key, assets.get('config')[key]);
const clear=() =>
const watch=(key, fn) => {
if(!watchers[key]) watchers[key]=[];
const code='w'+lastWatchCode++;
return code;
const watchB=(key, fn) => watch(key, (k, v) => fn(k, toBoolean(v)));
const watchN=(key, fn) => watch(key, (k, v) => fn(k, +v));
const watchS=(key, fn) => watch(key, (k, v) => fn(k, ''+v));
const unwatch=(key, code) => {
if(!watchers[key]) return;
delete watchers[key][code];
const list=() =>
const dict=() => {
let dict=Object.create(null);
key => dict[key]={
raw: get(key),
b: getB(key),
n: getN(key),
s: getS(key)
return dict;
return module.exports={
get, getB, getN, getS,
remove, clear,
watch, watchB, watchN, watchS,
list, dict